Man Cuts Of Penis

A woman in Argentina was arrested for allegedly using a pair of garden shears to cut off her ex-manfriend’s penis because he leaked their sex video, reports say.

Peter mana The residents of Obanla area in Akure, Ondo State were astonished when a middle-aged man identified as Oluwole Aiyeloja cut off his pen

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Yeah, I don’t even know what to say. This dude got bored and cut his balls off with some scissors, what else can I say? It speaks for itself.

A jealous teenfriend in Kazakhstan allegedly severed her lover’s penis after discovering that he complimented another woman on her appearance.

Jun 23, 2013 · Twenty years ago Sunday, a frustrated Virginia housewife grabbed a kitchen knife and turned the name Bobbitt into a verb by slicing off her drunken husband’s penis.

A naked man with blood all over himself in Chicago has been filmed harassing people and charging a police officer. The man, who has been described as having cut off his penis, can be seen bleeding heavily from his crotch.

In the Irving Park community in Northwest Chicago, Illinois, a naked man with blood dripping from his crotch apparently from cutting off his penis, has been filmed acting irrational and unstable.

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What STD gives you blisters? What can cause genital sores? What is a genital lesion? Can you get genital bumps from chlamydia? Blister on Foreskin from Friction! Get more insight on the causes, symptoms, pictures, treatments and some of the home base remedies for sores on penis.

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These women are definately sadistic and even our societies are. When a man is injured by a woman, its a joke and they make fun of the man, weave jokes.

A Chinese man frustrated at being single cut off his own penis then, in agony, decided to cycle to a hospital for treatment. When he arrived doctors told him they couldn’t help save his manhood and ordered him to cycle back home to get the penis before he could be treated. When Yang Hu, 26